December 8, 2023

What is Non-Allergic Asthma And it’s best HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT, symptoms and causes – 2024

Non-allergic asthma is a kind of disease where conventional allergic reactions do not cause symptoms. It is sometimes referred to as intrinsic or non-atopic asthma. Non-allergic asthma is distinguished from allergic asthma by symptoms that are not connected to an allergic reaction. An allergic response is typically triggered by allergens like pollen, dust mites, or animal dander.

Usually developing after middle age, nonallergic asthma is brought on by recurrent respiratory tract infections. Approximately one-third of asthmatic individuals have nonallergic asthma. Asthma that is not allergic can sometimes be more severe than other kinds. Let’s discuss about What is Non-Allergic Asthma.

What is Non-Allergic Asthma?

Asthma that is not brought on by allergens is referred to as non-allergic asthma, intrinsic asthma, or non-atopic asthma. Non-allergic asthma is distinguished by asthma symptoms that are brought on by things other than allergens, as opposed to allergic asthma, which is brought on by an immunological reaction to certain allergens like pollen, pet dander, or dust mites.

Exercise, cold air, respiratory diseases, emotional stress, smoke, potent odours, and air irritants are some examples of these triggers. Similar symptoms to allergic asthma, such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and tightness in the chest, characterise non-allergic asthma, which is not triggered by allergens. These days all we need to know is What is Non-Allergic Asthma.

Non-allergic asthma is viewed in homoeopathy as a constitutional condition that arises from an imbalance in the person’s vital power or life energy. According to homoeopathy, asthma is a symptom of a deeper disturbance in the vital energy, which controls a person’s total health and equilibrium. This article helps you to know What is Non-Allergic Asthma.

What are the types of Non-Allergic Asthma?

Following are the types of Non-Allergic Asthma:

  • Exercise-Induced Asthma: This non-allergic form of asthma is brought on by exercise or physical activity. It is frequently brought on by symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath during or right after exercise. The goal of homoeopathy is to lessen the body’s sensitivity to physical exertion and enhance the body’s responsiveness to it.
  • Asthma brought on by cold air: In this form of asthma, breathing in cold air can cause bronchoconstriction and asthma symptoms. Coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness can all be brought on by cold weather or cold air. The main goals of homoeopathy are to improve respiratory health and lessen the sensitivity of the airways to cold temperatures.
  • Emotional or Stress-Induced Asthma: For some people, emotional stress and anxiety can cause asthma symptoms to flare up. The relationship between emotional moods and asthmatic symptoms is taken into account in homoeopathy. To address emotional imbalances and advance general emotional well-being, remedies are chosen.
  • Nocturnal or Nighttime Asthma: Some people have asthma symptoms that are more prominent at night. Sleep disruption and a person’s general well-being may be impacted by nocturnal asthma. Homoeopathy focuses on figuring out what makes asthma symptoms worse at night and offers solutions to help.
  • Cough-Variant Asthma: Asthma that is characterised largely by a chronic cough and little to no wheeze is known as cough-variant asthma. Homoeopathy attempts to reduce the persistent cough and enhance respiratory function in patients with cough-variant asthma, which can be brought on by a variety of triggers.
  • Drug-Induced Asthma: Some people may develop symptoms of asthma as a result of taking pharmaceuticals like beta-blockers or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Homoeopathy takes into account a person’s susceptibility to particular medications and works to lessen asthma symptoms brought on by those medications.

Non-allergic asthma treatment in Homoeopathy

A holistic and individualised approach is used in homoeopathy’s non-allergic asthma treatment to correct the underlying imbalances that cause asthma symptoms. To regain balance and treat asthma symptoms without masking them, homoeopathy works to energise the body’s vital power.

A trained homoeopath conducts a thorough case-taking procedure, acquiring particular information about the patient’s medical history, family history, way of life, emotional state, and asthma attack triggers. Non-allergic asthma treatment in Homoeopathy is better way.

Homoeopathy adheres to the individualization principle, which treats each person as a distinct individual with particular symptoms and susceptibilities. A well-chosen homoeopathic remedy is used in a personalised treatment plan that is created based on the patient’s symptoms and triggers.

For non-allergic asthma, homoeopathy frequently offers constitutional medicines. These treatments are picked based on the person’s general physical, emotional, and mental makeup. Homoeopathy seeks to boost the body’s defence mechanisms and lessen vulnerability to asthma triggers by addressing the underlying constitution.

Homoeopathic medicines are safe and non-toxic because they are made from natural ingredients and are extremely diluted. They are safe for people of all ages, including kids and pregnant women, as they have no negative effects or drug interactions.

What are the causes of Non-Allergic Asthma?

Non-allergic asthma is viewed in homoeopathy as a constitutional condition that arises from an imbalance in the person’s vital power or life energy. Various factors are frequently linked to the development of non-allergic asthma, even though the precise causes may differ from person to person. According to homoeopathy, some of the causes of Non-Allergic Asthma include:

  1. Respiratory Infections: Some people can develop asthma symptoms as a result of bacterial or viral respiratory infections. The goal of homoeopathy is to boost immune function and lessen the severity of asthma attacks brought on by respiratory infections.
  2. Exercise or Physical Stress: Some people suffer asthma symptoms during or after exercising or physically stressing themselves. Homoeopathy strives to enhance the body’s response to physical activity and addresses the sensitivity of the airways to exercise.
  3. Weather variations: People who are sensitive to it may get non-allergic asthma symptoms as the weather changes, particularly when it gets cold. The main goals of homoeopathy are to improve the respiratory system and lessen the susceptibility of the airways to variations in the weather.
  4. Medications: Acid reflux from the stomach into the oesophagus is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and it can occasionally make asthma symptoms worse. Homoeopathy takes into account any underlying digestive problems that could be a factor in non-allergic asthma.
  5. Respiratory Hyperresponsiveness: Non-allergic asthma may be accompanied by heightened airway reactivity to a variety of stimuli. This hyperresponsiveness is intended to be controlled and normalised via homoeopathy.

What are the symptoms of Non-Allergic Asthma?

When choosing the proper remedies and creating a unique treatment plan for homoeopathy, the symptoms of non-allergic asthma are taken into account. Although non-allergic asthma symptoms might differ from person to person, Many people have questions in their mind what are the symptoms of Non-Allergic Asthma, The following are some Symptoms of Non-Allergic Asthma:

  • Symptoms Worsening at Night
  • Symptoms Triggered by Specific Factors
  • Respiratory Infections
  • Sensitivity to Environmental Triggers

What’s the difference between allergic and non-allergic asthma

Allergic AsthmaNon-Allergic Asthma
caused by allergens, including mould, dust mites, pollen, and pet dander.Not caused by allergens; may be brought on by irritants, cold air, exercise, stress, and respiratory illnesses, among other things.
involves the release of histamines and other chemicals as part of an immune system reaction.Not principally linked to an allergic reaction or an immune system reaction.
usually starts in early childhood or adulthood.can happen at any age, even in adult.
Common symptoms of asthma include tightness in the chest, wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.Similar symptoms of asthma, but without a specific allergic trigger: coughing, shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, and wheezing.
Pollen, mould, pet dander, dust mites, and specific foods are examples of common triggers.Exercise, stress, cold air, tobacco, and respiratory illnesses are a few common factors.


Are there any lifestyle changes that can support homoeopathic treatment for Non-allergic asthma?

Yes, a key component of homoeopathic treatment for non-allergic asthma is lifestyle adjustments. The effectiveness of homoeopathic treatments can be increased and general respiratory health can be improved by making healthy lifestyle modifications.

How does homoeopathy work for Non-allergic asthma?

By addressing the underlying imbalances in the body and promoting the body’s own healing processes, homoeopathy treats non-allergic asthma. Homoeopathic treatment aims to reestablish harmony and balance in the vital force, also known as life energy, which controls a person’s general health.

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